Meet the Messies

Thursday, December 20, 2012

I was always messy. When I was growing up I never cleaned my room or organized my school clothes. Whatever I needed I usually found under my bed. After I got married I changed my ways. Peter is super clean and organized and it drove him bonkers when I left dishes in the sick for days or didn't make the bed. Now, I have to admit, when I don't have time to make the bed in the morning or when toys are on the floor it drives me crazy. It's hard being home all day but not being able to tidy up. I see cobwebs in the corner and when I go to get my broom Zelda starts crying and Portia starts to spit up. I never thought it would be so difficult to keep the house clean. Especially with a little bean whose favorite thing to do is dump out all her toys and put them in different places around the house, sometimes I find them underneath her sister or on top of the dog. Luckily Hugo doesn't seem to mind.


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